R E G I S T R A T I O N F O R M MFCS'97 Mathematical Foundations of Computer Science August 25-29, 1997, Bratislava, Slovakia Please, fill in (t y p e or use b l o c k letters) and return this form together with a proof of payment to the ORGANIZING COMMITTEE. For early registration the registration form must reach the ORGANIZING COMMITTEE not later than J u l y 1 5. First name(s): Family name: [ ] Mr. [ ] Ms. Nationality: Institute/Organization: Address: E-mail: Phone: Fax: Names of accompanying persons: Special needs (e.g. later arrival or earlier departure, sharing room with ...): P a y m e n t: The fee should be transferred to the bank account of the SLOVAK SOCIETY FOR COMPUTER SCIENCE, to speed up registration procedure, transfer your payment via correspondent banks of Tatra Banka (listed below). Early Registration (before July 15): [ ] EATCS member 420.00 US$ [ ] non-member 440.00 US$ accompanying persons per 220 US$ US$ Late Registration (after July 15): [ ] EATCS member 460.00 US$ [ ] non-member 480.00 US$ accompanying persons per 240 US$ US$ Room reservation: [ ] Double 0.00 US$ [ ] Single 35.00 US$ ---------------------------------------------------- Total amount: US$ Date: Signature: