MFCS'97: Timetables

Bus departures from Vienna (city) to Bratislava (Mlynske Nivy)

Timetables may change in June. Please, check timetables in July again.

8:00, 10:00X, 11:30, 13:00, 15:00, 17:00, 18:30X, 22:30

To get departures from Vienna airport, add 20 minutes to departure time from Vienna (city). One way ticket costs 90 ATS.

X - operates only on weekdays

Bus departures from Bratislava (Mlynske Nivy) to Vienna (city)

Timetables may change in June. Please, check timetables in July again.

5:40X, 7:00, 8:00, 9:00, 11:00, 13:00X, 16:00, 17:30, 20:30

Buses stop at the Vienna airport. The travel time to Vienna airport is about 45 minutes. One way ticket from Bratislava to Vienna airport costs 90 Sk.

X - operates only on weekdays

Train timetable from Vienna (Sudbahnhof) to Bratislava

Timetables may change in June. Please, check timetables in July again.
Vienna (Sudbahnhof) Bratislava
8:15 9:22
12:15 13:22
16:15 17:22
21:15 22:32

Train timetable from Prague (Hlavni nadrazi) to Bratislava

Timetables may change in June. Please, check timetables in July again.
Prague (Hlavni nadrazi)Bratislava
5:52 11:29
12:07 17:29
18:06 22:57

Train timetable from Prague (Holesovice) to Bratislava

Timetables may change in June. Please, check timetables in July again.
Prague (Holesovice) Bratislava
1:20 6:29
7:39 12:26
11:39 16:26
15:39 20:26

Train timetable from Budapest (Keleti pu.) to Bratislava

Timetables may change in June. Please, check timetables in July again.
Budapest (Keleti pu.) Bratislava
6:50 9:29
8:10 11:43
10:50 13:29
12:00 15:49
14:45 17:23
18:50 21:44
19:50 22:53
21:20 0:26

Train timetable Budapest (Nyugati pu.) to Bratislava

Timetables may change in June. Please, check timetables in July again.
Budapest (Nyugati pu.)Bratislava
13:45 16:40
16:45 19:39

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