Assignment 2 and 3

Design business logic component for a Monopoly server. Create scenarios to test the design. Here are the rules. As the rules are too complex consider the following simplifications. I recommend you to take the following steps.
  1. Creating scenarios covering the rules. For most of the rules simple scenarios are sufficient. (<=3 steps, but specify basic preconditions and postconditions). Take a closer look at the way players will be buying hotels and handling mortgages.
  2. Using these scenarios design an interface which your component should implement. Test the interface with respect to these scenarios (are all scenarios covered).
  3. Build a simple model first. Focus on what the classes are and focus on principal problems, like how turn results will be evaluated. Test the model using the scenarios you have.
  4. Expand the model to define all important methods. Test the model using the scenarios you have.
  5. Make your model easy to test by including interfaces and injecting dependencies.
The evaluation of assignment 2 will be focused on the interface design and the scenarios. The evaluation of assignment 2 will be focused on the design (completeness, simplicity, correct application of design principles, testability). Overusing UML diagrams is encouraged.

Deadlines: Assignment 2 - 20.11., Assignment 3 - 11.12.