Exam questions

For the final exam you get two of the questions from the list below. After that, you have time to prepare (you can make notes on a sheet of paper that will help you speak). You should present most relevant information on the topic. The information you present may not necessarily match what is on the presentations.
For students that do not speak Slovak, I prefer to agree on the exam date by email.

  1. Software development process, software contracts
  2. Modeling domain, relations between classes, simplifying domain model
  3. Design, design goals, design principles, SOLID
  4. Design patterns, code smells, refactoring, test driven development, UML class diagrams
  5. Quality assurance, verification, validation, dependency injection, test doubles
  6. Implementation, coding conventions, continuous integration
  7. Configuration management, git, commit, branch, merge, rebase, UML sequence diagram
  8. Type systems, programming paradigms, domain specific languages