Názov:Identifying Clusters in Graph Representations of Genomes
Vedúci:doc. Mgr. Bronislava Brejová, PhD.
Kµúčové slová:pan-genome, elastic-degenerate string, maximum-sum segments problem, path-decomposition, path-width
Abstrakt:In many bioinformatics applications, we identify biologically significant locations in an individual genome. These locations may represent for example mutations, genes or positions with a particular biological role. In our work, we are interested in finding clusters with high density of such biologically meaningful locations in a graphical pan-genome, which is a collection of related genomes represented by a graph. Vertices in these graphs correspond to parts of the sequences and edges to adjacencies between them. In this work we study existing methods for finding such dense clusters in linear sequences, and extend them to graphs. We implemented one of our algorithms and used it to search for GC-rich regions in an elastic-degenerate string, which is a specific representation of a pan-genome.

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