Názov:Experimental application for Ledger Nano S hardware wallet
Vedúci:doc. RNDr. Robert Luko»ka, PhD.
Kµúčové slová:hardware wallet, cryptocurrency, transaction
Abstrakt:A hardware wallet is a device for storing secret keys. This thesis focuses on the Ledger Nano S hardware wallet, mainly used for the secure signing of cryptocurrency transactions. This hardware wallet has limited resources available. Some applications for Ledger Nano S only support a small subset of capabilities of the respective cryptocurrency. Adding new features to existing applications might increase the application's size too much. We want to test an experimental approach for validating the integrity of transactions. Using this approach, adding support for a new transaction type should be a matter of adding a single hash into a list of allowed hashes. Most of the complexity of adding support for new transaction types would be transferred to the client-side without compromising security. We demonstrate our approach on an application for FIO protocol.

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